- We provide 6 different PVC profiles with different shapes and with and withoud stud. The hollow profile with full length wooden core give high stability. With a polyester support and backing cover strips folding of material is inhibited. Profiles with a continuous stud have no wooden core and can only be screwed on a belt. Screws or rivets (for profile A and F only) on transilon or polychrome belts are used for fastening.Transilon belts are suitable for high humidity or wet production and are generally advised. We also provide polychrome belts on request.
- A fabric support is optional and can seal the gaps between the laths. This can prevent small material to fall through the laths.
- The endless belts manufactured by us have proven to be the most durable endless connection. If the installation of an endless belt is impossible or too complicated, we supply upon request belts with belt hooks.