
A major volume of our business are spare parts. We guarantee good quality in order to maximize the lifetime of a machine and the conveyor belts. With our products and a good and continuous maintenance customers can minimize the purchase of new spare parts and thus can make an impact for less resource consumption. With our products you save money at second glance.
We think sustainability broader than just renewable energy. Have a look on our different sustainability achievements and goals.

renewable energy
We have solar panels on our main production hall which generates most of the electricitry for us. Furthermore we heat as much as possible from scrap out of our wood production.

major supplier from Germany
Our products are of high quality and we also expect the same quality from our suppliers. We purchase more than 70% of our pre material in Germany. this has also the positive impact of less CO2 emissions during transport.
knowledge transfer
We believe in sustainable knowledge transfer. We value transfer of knowledge within our team from one generation to the other. Training young people and passing on knowledge is part of our philosophy. Currently 2 families are already working in the company in the third generation in the area of management and sales.
car pool 50% electric/hybrid
We are in the process to electrify our car pool. With our solar panels we can charge the vehicles directly with sun energy.
waste elimination and separation
We try to eliminate waste where possible. We separate the different waste materials in order to achieve high recyclability rates. Continues trainings of employees are conducted.
design of new products
We design products in a way that they are easy to repair e.g. the replacement of single laths in a lattice. We look into scrap elimination in production and resign from hazardous materials to the environment.